Thank you for looking out for the safety and well-being of our community. Tell us what you see as problematic in the post. The more detailed information you provide, the more efficiently and quickly we can act.
Thank you for looking out for the safety and well-being of our community. Tell us what you see as problematic in the post. The more detailed information you provide, the more efficiently and quickly we can act.
Ačkoli zrovna těhulkou jsem, chybí mi podobná bláznivka, se kterou bychom si mohly občas zpříjemnit den 🙃😚🥰
Ale aspoň to zvířectvo se tulí 😜😅
Tak jako tak, krásný den vám všem 🌺
Thank you for looking out for the safety and well-being of our community. Tell us what you see as problematic in the post. The more detailed information you provide, the more efficiently and quickly we can act.
@))-- jednou uz te malem mela a uz zase by te chtela... semtam, jen na chvili, pohladit potrhana kridla motyli... Rada bych nasla kvetinku, se kterou bych obcas mohla roztahnout kridla a odletet do rise splnenych snu, pryc z tech vsednich dnu...
Nestyd se a napis mi prosim!
Na veku, vzhledu a dalsich okolnostech nezalezi tak, jako na chuti opravdu se potkat! A jen pro uplnost, muze i dite mam a lasku tu nehledam...
Ackoli lasky neni nikdy a nikde dosti... ❤️??
Jinak Katerina jmeno me, jen uprimne, telo me nepatri mezi ty nadherne. Pokud tedy po krase touzis, hledej prosim dale, pokud neha a vasen chybi ti, bude nam pak Brno male... :)
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